Methods and platforms which never settle.

NovaSeq X Plus
The NovaSeqX System is the most powerful high-throughput sequencing system that supports the broadest range of applications and study sizes. Imporved data quality using Illumina's new XLEAP chemistry. Producing up to 50 billion reads (7.5 terabases) per flowcell, yielding up to 150 human genomes in about 2 days.

AVITI Element Biosciences
The AVITI System by Element Biosciences is a benchtop sequencer designed for high performance, cost efficiency, and flexibility. It features dual independent flow cells for parallel or independent operation, enabling flexibility in throughput from low to full. The system utilizes Avidity Sequencing™ technology, ensuring over 90% of reads exceed Q30 quality, with minimal errors, low duplication rates, and reduced AT/GC bias. It supports easy data conversion to FASTQ files, offers compatibility with numerous assays, and provides cost-effective sequencing. This is our ideal companion for dedicated and fast-turnaround run set-up. For more detailed information, you can visit their website directly at

NovaSeq 6000
The NovaSeq6000 System is a powerful and scalable ultra-high-throughput sequencing system that supports the broadest range of applications and study sizes. Unrivaled data quality using Illumina's proven SBS chemistry has made the NovaSeq6000 the instrument of choice for all major genome centers and leading institutions throughout the world. Producing up to 20 billion reads (3 terabases) per flowcell, yielding up to 48 human genomes in about 2 days.

Oxford Nanopore's technology is providing unprecedented accessibility and scalability to long-read sequencing. The technology has proven to be a game-changer in the fields of genome assembly, pangenomics, direct RNA sequencing and metagenomics analyses. Reads can be as long as input DNA/RNA. Bacterial genomes can be assembled in a single molecule in a snap of sequencing. Repetitive elements are easily resolved and with error-correction softwares we can now achieve telomere-to-telomere genome assemblies.

10X Genomics (Chromium system)
The Chromium instrument from 10x Genomics is primarily used for high-throughput single-cell and spatial genomic applications. It employs microfluidics to partition individual cells (or nuclei) into nanoliter-scale droplets along with barcoded beads, enabling the capture and labeling of genetic material on a cell-by-cell basis. This technology supports a range of applications—such as single-cell RNA sequencing, single-cell ATAC-seq, and multi-omics approaches—to reveal gene expression patterns, epigenetic profiles, and immune repertoires at unprecedented resolution, all critical for understanding complex biological systems and disease mechanisms.

Automated liquid handling
Our labs are equipped with a series of automated liquid handling systems to manage large scale projects as well as to ease routine workflows

Hybridization-based enrichment
In order to sequence only an exome, a limited set of genes, or any defined panel of loci, the template DNA must be enriched for fragments derived from them. One way to accomplish such task is to use a set of probes (ssDNA or RNA) to capture by hybridization the regions of interest. Probes, usually attached to biotin moieties, are pulled down with biotin-coated metal beads. See Exome sequencing - target genotyping - clinical genotyping.

Primer-extension enrichment
As an alternative to hybridization-based enrichment, single-primer extension enrichments provides a very convenient system to enrich for target regions. The main advantage of such system is a much quicker workflow coupled with a higher performance in the enrichment efficiency (i.e. reads that belongs to the desired target). See target genotyping - clinical genotyping

Whole Genome Sequencing
The whole genome sequence as the most comprehensive overview of its composition. Identify most of the variability accounted by SNPs, CNVs, PAVs, insertions, deletions, translocations along with its functional impact on the genetic code an organism. Dedicated technologies are applied for de novo reconstruction of personal genomes to an affordable price, providing an unbiased method to depict each individual human (and non-human) genome. See de novo - whole genome resequencing.

Low-pass sequencing
An alternative way to pursue genotyping/classification experiment is carried to a very low coverage per individual. This technique is adopted in several applications such as metagenomics, allele/SNP mining, Pop-Seq, Pool-Seq. Haplotype/organism identification will rely on a ‘horizontal’ coverage rather than a ‘vertical’ coverage. This analysis does not have sufficient information to detect structural variation, but dramatically reduces costs in large genotyping and metagenomics experiments. See metagenomics - bioinformatics

Chromatin immunoprecipitation is a technique that allows to enrich the genomic DNA for those fragments involved in specific interaction with some proteins. By comparing coverage profiles with non-enriched DNA, it is possible to detect peaks of enrichment which characterize where the protein has the most of its affinity. See ChIP-Seq.

Single-cell RNA-Seq
Leveraging massive single-cell partitioning and barcoding with the Chromium platform it is possible to profile trascription patterns for up to tens of thousands of cells simultaneusly, with no lower limit on cells amount. Cell sorting and library preparation are perfomed in one day. The same technology can also be used to profile the immune system V(D)J repertoire of T-cells.

Amplicon Sequencing
With NGS increasing read length and base quality, amplification of one or many loci can be adopted as sequencing template. Whether interested to analyze the diversity of a single amplification product or to discover variability on limited set of interesting genes, Amplicon-Seq is a system that can provide adequate resolution and flexibility while maintaining a very affordable price to cope with large scale experiments/surveys. See Metabarcoding - Metagenomics - Clinical Genotyping

Nanopore Sequencing
Nanopore sequencing is empowering many applications by the ability to analyze DNA, RNA and their modifications with no limitation on sequence length. This is of particular importance when the goal is to resolve hard-to-sequence or repetitive regions that have so far hampered the possibility to decode structural and epigenetic variation. Also, direct RNA sequencing and full-length cDNA sequencing are providing unprecedented insight into the real strucure and abundance of transcripts isoforms.

Reduced-Representation libraries
Reducing the complexity of genomes has enabled NGS to pursue massive genotyping experiments with very competitive costs. One system relies on the cleavage of the genomic DNA by means of two restriction enzymes (ddRAD). Another approach, known as RRBS-Seq, utilizes reduced-representation libraries to perform survey of the methylation states of genomes in relevant regions. See ddRAD - RRBS-Seq.

The area of research which investigates the taxonomical composition and activity of complex biological substrates. While traditional sequencing of cultured microorganisms could not provide a picture of the diversity of natural substrates, shotgun sequencing has opened the possibility of an unbiased fingerprinting and metabolic activity profiling of diverse communities, ranging from soil samples to the human intestinal flora. Several techniques provide scalable solutions. See metagenomics - metabarcoding.

Providing the same type of information that can be yield from a whole genome sequencing, but focusing only on the coding part of a genome. Most of the phenotypically relevant variants reside on the coding regions or their nearby regions. Further enrichment can be carried out on a very limited set of genes: this is useful to reduce costs but also to produce very high coverage on such genes, providing adequate depth to detect somatic variations in tumor samples. See Exome sequencing.

Bisulfite treatment
Bisulfite treatment allows to explore methylation levels of genomic DNA. Non-methylated cytosine are converted to uracil and then to thymine. Sequencing and mapping to adequate read depth allows to detect the level of 5mC (5-methylcytosine) on DNA molecules either on CpG, CHG or CHH contexts for both strands of the DNA molecules. See BS-Seq - RRBS-Seq.

NGS platforms have become the most convenient platforms to perform accurate quantification of transcripts. Moreover, relying on sequencing information, it is possible to obtain non-trivial information such as mutation in coding regions, alternative splicing with isoforms expression levels, allelic-specific expression, intron retention, etc. Also, when performing de novo reconstruction of a genome, RNA-Seq data will be one of the major drivers for gene prediction and modeling. See RNA-Seq - smallRNA-Seq

Chromatin interactions are knonw to play an important role in trans-regulatory mechanisms of transcription and chromosome organization. Beside the biologically relevant signals acquired by HiC data (deviation from expected), the proximity contact matrix (expected) has become a state of-the-art technique to assemble genome at chromosome scale and possibly to phase alterantive alleles to the same extent to delivery complete diploid genome assemblies.

Nucleic acids extraction
DNA and RNA extraction is routinely performed at IGATech, providing support to our customers directly from raw material. Relying on automated systems and consolidated protocols we can help you in accelerating the path to analyzed data. We also work with non standard substrates, such as plants and food. Our expertise in the isolation of high molecular weigth DNA for long-molecule sequencing applications will also be a specialized complement for de novo applications. Pleas enquire to obtain further details.