

  • 1

    Stranded libraries

  • 2

    rRNA depletion

  • 3

    Depletion of unwanted transcripts

  • 4

    UMI-tagged libraries

  • 5

    Ultra-low input

  • 6

    Full-length cDNA sequencing with Nanopore

Supported Analyses

  • 1

    Differential expression

  • 2

    Non-coding RNA analysis

  • 3

    De novo assembly of transcripts

  • 4

    Allelic-specific expression analysis

  • 5

    SNP discovery

  • 6

    Clustering analysis

We provide full support on study design to ensure correct sequencing and bioinformatics strategies are met based on your project goals. Our expert will consult with you about your specific requirements, and will be also your point of contact for the length of your project. See bioinformatics.

volcano plot

One molecule, infinite tools

Targeted depletion of unwanted transcripts results in a significant reduction in sequencing reads derived from cytoplasmic and mitochondrial rRNAs, globin, chloroplasts, housekeeping genes, or any other transcript species that may not be relevant to a study, for more efficient use of sequencing resources.

Short-reads sequencing (Illumina or Element Biosciences)

As a part of our standard procedure we provide strand oriented mRNA-seq that maintain the information on which strand the original mRNA template is coming from, allowing to accurately determine gene expression from overlapping genes or to discover antisense regulators. This method intrinsically removes most of ribosomal RNA and maximize the exploitation of coverage to estimate expression levels of coding sequences.

Total-RNASeq is used for those experiments that requires access also to other populations of RNAs including lncRNA and circRNA (for small RNA please refer to a dedicated library preparation). Ribosomal RNA is depleted using custom probe sets specifically designed for plants, bacteria, fungi or other phyla.

For difficult samples with just picograms of RNA we advocate the use of ultra-low inputs library preparations supporting research in areas previously hampered by quantity of starting material (tens of cells).

Bioinformatics analysis


  • Raw reads and Quality Control Reports: Detailed HTML reports on read quality and preprocessing steps as well as alignment metrics.
  • Gene abundance tables for each sample with the estimated gene expression values normalized as FPKM, TPM and raw counts.
  • Bedgraph format files for visualization in Genome Browser
  • Differential expression analysis (pairwise and GLM):
    • batch effect correction
    • PCA analysis and graphical clustering (PCA and heatmaps)
    • List of significantly differentially expressed genes (p-value < 0.05)
    • MA plot and volcano plot
    • Normalized gene expression data table
    • Statistical testing results for each comparison
    • Hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis visualization


  • Functional Analysis:
    • Enriched terms and gene set tables for given comparisons
    • DAVID Analysis:
      • Ontological classification for each differentially expressed gene
      • Enrichment of specific biological/functional GO terms
    • GSEA Analysis (human and mouse only)

  • Isoform analysis
    • Differential Exon Usage (DEU)
    • Differential Transcript Usage (DTU)
    • Event-based Differential Splicing
    • Post-processing & Quality Control: Sorting, indexing and coverage file generation.
    • Genome browser visualization and splicing event plots

  • Variant calling
    • SNPs and small INDELS

  • PPI network analysis from DEG list
    • Seek potential interactions between DEGs and visualization as interaction map

Long-reads sequencing (Oxford Nanopore)

Full-length cDNA (Oxford Nanopore) is used in the context of projects where full length transcripts are sequenced to obtain fine structure of isoforms and to study their differential expression or to fine annotate de novo assembled genomes.

Direct RNA Sequencing: direct RNA sequencing, powered by Oxford Nanopore Technologies provides a direct window into the viral genetic material, bypassing traditional limitations and offering a comprehensive view of viral evolution, mutation rates, and pathogenicity mechanisms. Ideal for emerging pathogens and rapidly mutating viruses this technology also allow to detect base modifications on the RNA molecule such as N6-methyladenosine (m6A) and pseudouridine ( Ψ ) which are now to play important role in stability of the molecule and replication rate. These same modifications are crucial for the development of RNA-based vaccines.

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