PHENO.GEN - "Approcci avanzati di fenomica e genomica per la valorizzazione dei genotipi tolleranti a stress abiotici di specie erbacee di interesse agrario"
Progetto PHENO.GEN -"Approcci avanzati di fenomica e genomica per la valorizzazione dei genotipi tolleranti a stress abiotici di specie erbacee di interesse agrario"– Bandi a Cascata - Programma AGRITECH CN00000022 – CUP CNR B83C22002840001 -PNRR – M4C2 - Inv. 1.4, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU Codice progetto CN0022S1BaCT1
Project duration: July 2024 - August 2025
The PHENO.GEN project, coordinated by ALSIA (Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura), aims to combine advanced plant phenotyping and genomic sequencing technologies to develop genetic resources that improve crop tolerance to abiotic stresses such as salinity and water scarcity. Target crops include rice, durum wheat, tomato, and eggplant. The project involves a public-private consortium of six partners and includes five work packages (WP) ranging from identifying gene mutants to phenotypic and genomic characterization of crops.
The project aims to develop new genetic resources and tools to improve crop resilience to climate change, contributing to sustainability and food security.
The total cost of the project is about 1.44 M€. The project is financed by European Union - NextGenerationEU with a contribution of 1.29 M€. IGATech will carry a total expenditure of 454.400 € and will receive a contribution of 363.500€.