Targeted Genotyping (SPET)


Features and benefits

  • 1

    Reproducibility and transferability

  • 2

    Genotyping and discovery in one experiment

  • 3

    Maximized flexibility and panel customization

  • 4

    Scale from thousand to hundred thousand loci

Tailored support

  • 1

    Expert assistance on panel design

  • 2

    Support for SNP mining on external data

  • 3

    Batch data aggregation

  • 4

    Assistance on GWAS , QTL and population structure analyses

Full control of your experiment


Either choosing hybridization-based systems or primer extension, the sequencing information will always provide additonal and off-target data, eliminating errors in diversity estimation caused by closed genotyping experiments as in arrays. 

Several scenarios and specific analyses require moving from random markers (for which ddRAD is our system of choice) to targeted regions when performing genotyping experiments. Focusing on a specific set of SNPs, genes or genomic locations is a crucial factor to cope with tasks such as genomic selection, local adaptation studies, TILLING, eco-TILLING, fine mapping, GWAS, genomic selection and many others. IGATech have optimized protocols for both hybridization-based and primer-based enrichment procedures.


Single primer enrichment technology - Allegro

IGATech, in collaboration with Tecan Genomics, have implemented a targeted genotyping system based on single primer enrichment technology (Allegro, Tecan Genomics), which provides a very efficient approach to specifically target SNPs of interest. Every enriched read will be useful to the genotype calling of one selected SNP site. Nonetheless the technology allows to discover novel alleles by leveraging the sequencing information ensuring no restriction of transferability of each panel to other populations or even species. Sequencing read length can be scaled depending on the need of unknown (rare) variants versus the cost-effectiveness of focused genotyping.

Allegro provides highest reproducibility in the sequencing-based genotyping panorama while maintaining flexibility of continuous customization.

Publications & Webinars


For small amounts of loci (tens up to hundred) in very large scale experiments (thousands of samples) IGATech can deploy a customized multiplex PCR panel to run massive genotyping based on simple amplicon sequencing, providing a high-throughput and cost-effective platform. The panel can be easily modified and increased in markers over the time without an impact on costs.


Maize (Zea mais) - 50k loci

The 50k maize panel was generated with the collaboration of IGA and IGATech within the framework of the Novabreed project. It has been highly curated as the results of a two tier approach where the 50k probes have been selected over a pilot panel of about 100k probes. This design has been largely tested in the genotyping of a MAGIC population in collaboration with the Crop Genetics Group of Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa). See our webinar in collaboration with Tecan Genomics on the genotyping of MAGIC lines and the seminal paper on SPET technology where we presented the benchmark of the maize panel against the Illumina Infinium chip.

Fava bean (Vicia faba) - 90k loci
Grape (Vitis vinifera) - 60k loci

The 60k grape panel has been originally delevoped in collaboration with Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation. It mostly cover all genes of the grape genome with homogeneous distribution. Given the high veriability of the genome and to maitain reusability also in wild species, probes have been mainly designed on coding regions while allowing to sequence also more variable regions such as introns.

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) - 10k loci
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) - 5k loci

Developed in framework of the G2P-SOL project the Tomato 5k has been used to genotype more than 16000 accessions to characterize worldwide genebanks. It is the result of the selection from a pilot design from which the most informative loci were selected.

Eggplant (Solanum melongena) - 5k loci

Developed in framework of the G2P-SOL project the Eggplant 5k has been used to genotype more than 4000 accessions to characterize worldwide genebanks. It is the result of the selection from a pilot design from which the most informative loci were selected.

Pepper (Capsicum annuum) - 12k loci
Peach (Prunus persica) - 30k loci
Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) - 25k loci
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) - 40k loci
Lemon (Citrus lemon) - 30k loci
Coffee (Coffea arabica) - 50k loci

The 50k Coffea arabica genotyping platform was built on the purpose of a collaborative effort with Illycaffè S.p.A. with the purpose of analyzing the genetic basis of resistance genes to coffea leaf rust. Probes are uniformily spread across the  genome and can provide segregation analysis in both Coffea eugenioides and Coffea canefora sub genomes in the tetraploid Coffea arabica genome.

Black poplar (Populus nigra) - 5k loci

A selection of 5k higly informative loci utilized in the Epidiverse project and extracted from the first prototype of SPET technoogy (50k panel) within the Watbio project. The panel has been designed taking into account the whole diversity of European populations.

FORGENIUS European silver fir (Abies alba) - 10k loci

The 10k Abies alba panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European silver fir (Pinus halepensis) - 10k loci

The 10k Pinus halepensis panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European black pine (Pinus nigra) - 10k loci

The 10k Pinus nigra panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European crab apple (Malus sylvestris) - 10k loci

The 10k Malus sylvestris panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European yew (Taxus baccata) - 10k loci

The 10k Taxus baccata panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) - 10k loci

The 10k Fraxinus excelsior panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European white birch (Betula pendula) - 10k loci

The 10k Betula pendula panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS Wild cherry (Prunus avium) - 10k loci

The 10k Prunus avium panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS Norwey Spruce (Picea Abies) - 10k+

The 10k Picea abies panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS European beech (Fagus sylvatica) - 10k+

The 10k Fagus sylvatica panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS Chequer tree (Sorbus torminalis) 10k

The 10k Sorbus torminalis panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

FORGENIUS Oak (Quercus spp.) 10k+

The 10k+ Quercus spp. panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR. It has been designed on Q. robur and Q. ilex genomes.

FORGENIUS Sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) 10k

The 10k Castanea sativa panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

Common juniper (Juniperus communis) 10k

The 10k Juniperus communis panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR.

Pine (Pinus spp.) 10k

The 10k Pinus spp. panel was generated in the framework of the FORGENIUS project in collaboration with CNR-IBBR. Pinus heldreichii, P. tabuliformis, P. pinaster were used in the design.

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