Accessing the third dimension of DNA

IGATech offers Hi-C sequencing services, utilizing this powerful technology to refine genome assemblies and unravel the complex organization of chromatin within the nucleus. Our Hi-C services provide essential insights into how the genome is functionally compartmentalized, influencing gene expression and cellular functions.
Refinement of Genome Assembly
Our Hi-C data plays a crucial role in refining genome assemblies by providing comprehensive information on the physical proximity of DNA segments. This allows researchers to determine how chromosomes fold and interact within the three-dimensional space of the nucleus, enhancing the accuracy of genome assembly. The spatial organization captured by Hi-C data is instrumental in bridging gaps and resolving ambiguities often encountered in genome assembly processes, leading to more accurate and contiguous assemblies.
Understanding Chromatin Structure
Hi-C sequencing offers an unparalleled view of the chromatin architecture, revealing how it is organized and partitioned within the nucleus. This method enables the identification of:
- A/B Compartments: Hi-C data allows for the delineation of active (A) and inactive (B) compartments, showing regions of open chromatin associated with active gene transcription versus more condensed areas. This compartmentalization is crucial for understanding the regulatory mechanisms influencing gene expression.
- Topologically Associating Domains (TADs): Within these compartments, Hi-C helps identify TADs, regions where chromatin is highly self-interactive. These domains are fundamental in gene regulation, as they often contain genes and regulatory elements that interact more frequently with each other than with elements outside the domain.
- Chromatin Loops: Hi-C data also elucidates the looping interactions between promoters and enhancers, critical for the control of gene expression. These loops can bring distant genetic elements into close spatial proximity, enabling regulatory elements to influence target gene activation.

Specialized Bioinformatics Support
To extract meaningful insights from complex Hi-C data, specialized bioinformatics support is essential. Our team of expert bioinformaticians utilizes advanced algorithms and custom analytical tools designed specifically for Hi-C data analysis. We provide:
- Comprehensive Data Analysis: From processing raw data to visualizing interaction maps and identifying structural features within the genome.
- Customized Data Interpretation: Tailored analysis that aligns with specific research goals, whether you are investigating chromatin dynamics, gene regulation, or the effects of genetic variants on chromatin structure.
- Integration with Other Genomic Data: We help integrate Hi-C data with other genomic datasets, such as ChIP-seq or RNA-seq, to provide a holistic view of genomic and epigenomic mechanisms.
Technical Specifications and Service Details
For more detailed information on how our Hi-C sequencing services can be integrated into your research projects, please contact us. We are committed to providing you consultancy to plan your experiment and arrange sample shipping conditions.