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NovaSeq X Plus
Oxford Nanopore P24

Data-intensive experiments
Whole genome sequencing, RNA-Seq, bisulfite sequencing, large single-cell experiments. All data-intensive experiments are best suited on NovaSeq X Plus platform. Reserving dedicated lanes for your libraries will maximize the cost-effectiveness and ensure a fast track data delivery.

Nanopore Sequencing Services
A disruptive platform capable of read length up to million of bases, natively scanning both the genome and the epigenome of base modifications. Genome assembly, structural variation and phased epigenomes are readily accessible in a single experiment. While for transcriptomics studies you can choose between high-plex full-length cDNA sequencing and direct RNA sequencing to access epitranscriptome.

We are committed in offering the best conditions for your experiments and the reliability of a team that can support you on the management of your libraries and sequencing planning.
- Fast-track on Dedicated lane and runs
- Customized read lengths
- In-house sequencing
- Support in experimental design
- User-friendly data access