Projects & Funding

public funding

CUSTOMER DASHBOARD - Una piattaforma unificata per l’accesso ai dati genomici e la gestione logistica di campioni biologici

Progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma PR FESR 2021-2027 – Linea d’intervento a1.2.1 - Innovazione – bando 2024. Codice CUP D27H24001950007

PHENO.GEN - "Approcci avanzati di fenomica e genomica per la valorizzazione dei genotipi tolleranti a stress abiotici di specie erbacee di interesse agrario"

Progetto PHENO.GEN -"Approcci avanzati di fenomica e genomica per la valorizzazione dei genotipi tolleranti a stress abiotici di specie erbacee di interesse agrario"– Bandi a Cascata - Programma AGRITECH CN00000022 – CUP CNR B83C22002840001 -PNRR – M4C2 - Inv. 1.4, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU Codice progetto CN0022S1BaCT1

CLEARGENES - CLimatE chAnge Resilience GENES in Italian fruits and vegetables

Progetto CLEARGENES " CLimatE chAnge Resilience GENES in Italian fruits and vegetables" – Bandi a Cascata - Programma AGRITECH CN00000022 – CUP UNIPD C93C22002790001 -PNRR – M4C2 - Inv. 1.4, finanziato dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU Codice progetto SP4_WP4.1.1_CLEARGENES

An affordable and scalable genomic platform for biomarker monitoring in cancer treatment GENOME PLATFORM

The project involves the development of an innovative methodology for the analysis of liquid and tissue biopsies through DNA sequencing technology coupled with automated processes.

Business Intelligence - Innovation in sales organization, customer care and management control (2021-2022)

Project financed by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia under the POR FESR 2014-2020.

This project aims to transform the sales organization and management control by using a fully digitized, integrated and customized process and by introducing the Business intelligence approach in the field of reseqrech services.

Genomics@Home (2020)

Project financed by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia under the

European Social Fund – Operational Program 2014/2020.

This project aims to allow employees to work safely, by using smart-working as much as possible, to cope with the CoVid-19 pandemic. 

DESKTOP VIRTUALIZATION - simplifying IT management (2020-2021)

Project financed by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia under the POR FESR 2014-2020.

This project aims to simplify the processes of IT management, to standardize access to applications, to avoid machine downtime and data loss, to secure the network and to optimize the disaster recovery system.

NeosVine: New biotechnologies to improve the sustainability of viticulture and tackle climate change (2018-2020)

NeosVine is a collaborative project between two local enterprises, which is funded by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia in the frame of the POR FESR 2014-2020

EPIDIVERSE (Horizon 2020, 2017-2021)
EpiDiverse - Epigenetic Diversity in Ecology - is an innovative Marie Skłodowska-Curie training network for the study of epigenetic variation in wild plant species

GenTree (Horizon 2020, 2016-2020)

The goal of GenTree is to provide the European forestry sector with better knowledge, methods and tools for optimising the management and sustainable use of forest genetic resources (FGR) in Europe in the context of climate change and continuously evolving demands for forest products and services.

Clingen - clinical genomes in everyday practice (2017-2019)

Clingen is a project financed by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia under the POR FESR 2014-2020.

The genetic tests currently used to detect gene variants associated with certain diseases apply a targeted approach that allows the analysis of a limited portion of the genome. In this way, more than 90% of the clinically relevant variations are lost, which makes the diagnostic process complex and inefficient.

Development of Highly Innovative Services based on NGS (2016-2018)

Project is financed by the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia under the POR FESR 2014-2020.

The aim of the project is to expand the portfolio of IGATech genomics services by developing two new, highly innovative products: the assembly of personal genomes and the expression analysis at the single cell level.

WatBio (European Framework 7, 2012-2017)

The overall purpose of WATBIO is to increase the efficiency of plant breeding to provide improved biomass crops suitable for growing on drought-stressed marginal lands. WATBIO is developing improved plant varieties suited to water-stressed environments in three non-food biomass crop species: poplar (Populus spp.); a C4 grass (Miscanthus spp.) and arundo (Arundo donax L.) which is a C3 grass of considerable potential but as yet, hardly developed.

DISCO (European Framework 7, 2013-2017)

Plant natural products have been utilized by human civilization for millennia, providing vital medicines and essential dietary components. More recently bioactive compounds from plant sources have been used in cosmetics, as health supplements and are important components of feedstuffs. Despite significant investments new activities and new sustainable biosources are required to reduce or eliminate chemical refining and thus environmental impact.

D.NAMICA - Platform for molecular and personalized medicine (2012-2015)
D.NAMICA aims to develop a prototype platform for integration and implementation of NGS genomics data into routine clinical care by providing clinical investigators with the software tools necessary to collect and manage clinical “-omics” data, thus developing a clinical-biomolecular electronic medical record that supports clinicians in providing personalized care.

eHealth2patient – E-Health platform for molecular medicine and personalized patient care (2015-2018)

Genomics, transcriptomics and clinical proteomics: observing the human body as a dynamic system of molecular interactions.

Metagenomica – NGS-based diagnostic assay for the identification of grape microbial communities (2016)

The introduction of Next-Gen Sequencing allowed large scale analysis of microbial communities and revolutionized microbial metagenomics permitting more sensitive description of diverse communities.

BioWine - multidisciplinary approach to improve the quality of wine production (2012 – 2013)

The project aims to enhance the Sicilian regional viticulture and wine production through the transcriptome study of at least two cultivars of V. vinifera, Nero d'Avola and Nerello Mascalese. We intend to analyze how different environments change grapevine expression profiles in an attempt to promote organoleptic expression and increase nutraceutical characteristics of the final product.

IT-CitrusGenomics - functional genomics, genetic improvement and innovation for the development of the citrus industry products (2010 – 2013)

Demands of sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture, as well as the challenges posed by global competition urge national citrus cultivation to change traditional agricultural practices.