Get your biological interpretation-ready results from our standard analysis pipelines. These include state-of-art workflows for RNA-Seq, DNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, BS-Seq, RRBS-Seq, Variant calling and annotation, Metagenomics, metabarcoding, ddRAD/GBS, Target Enrichment, de novo assembly, single-cell and spatial transcriptomics and multi-omics.
Include custom manipulation of data and ad-hoc graphical representation to your standard analysis. We will support you for publication-ready data.
From experimental design to customized data analysis. This will include development of customized pipelines, software and the evaluation of several methodologies to ensure the delivery of robust data for biological relevant interpretation. Receive a dedicated support from our bioinformatics staff.
IGATECH Platinum
Our complete support with the ability to have a step-by-step consulantancy as data is generated during a long-term project. Software and pipelines can be revised and new methodologies evaluated by means of active data inspection during each stage of the project. Receive a dedicated support from our bioinformatics staff.